Saturday 1 January 2000


Over the past few weeks a couple of people have said awesome things about my work and I thought I would collect some bits to make myself feel better in dark times!

Short stories

Sinful Sunday Flashfiction competition #9
'This story had fabulous tension and an attention to detail that made it steamy hot. I like that their relationship is both established and evolving.'

Sinful Sunday Flashfiction competition #5
'This story had the right combination of sex without being vulgar, which to me is important with erotica, at least in my opinion.'

Sinful Sunday Flashfiction competition #18
"This entry came so, so close to winning. The theme was so beautifully balanced. The prompts were used in a very artistic but simple way. The concept was so intriguing. It left me wanting more. And the last two sentences made swoon-sigh-tingle-smile. So, so good."


And then there is also my new nano project. I am swapping with some other great writers and they have been very kind about the first chapters

Laura said 'It turned me on and made me remember those days as a teenager, making out and wondering what was going on with my body.I would love to read more!'

Anya also liked it: 'You really did a marvelous job and it was so expressive I was actually jealous.' After she had read chapter three and four she added 'Your writing is so intense, I can see that erotic fiction really suits you. You are very descriptive, you don't forget about the details and that's exactly what makes it so good. '

Blotzsoi mentioned 'It looks great! I loved the first chapter...the sexual tension was greatness!'

Archie said 'I really like the chemistry between your characters, and how well you communicate that through their actions. Your scenes always give me new ideas for my own :)'

The best feedback came from Lilah: 'The 'steamy' bits awakened a few memories. I thought that when you described things, like the first kiss out of the blue for example, you captured that absolute sudden need and urgency that seems to come with being younger and experiencing things for the first time (it never really returns in exactly the same way I think). ... I felt about 16/17 again reading it, which is something I haven't experienced before whilst reading; it seemed to capture and replay a little slice of my own sexual awakening.

These are very talented writers and I honored by their feedback!